Is Raw Cat Food Safe?

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작성자 Forest
댓글 0건 조회 33회 작성일 24-07-02 10:28


There are some concerns about whether raw cat food is safe for cats. Some people believe that meat that is raw might contain toxoplasmosis, salmonella or a different bacteria or parasite. And that the only way to ensure that your cat does not contract these deadly diseases is by cooking the animal.

From the first look, this argument appears to be a bit logical. But look a bit deeper.

Wild cats eat nothing more than raw bones and raw meat. Domestic cats, like all cats, have developed on eating raw meat. The digestive system of their cat is the only one that knows how to cope with this.

Bears, as well as cats are the only genuine carnivores. Their teeth show this very clearly. They are spiky for catching prey, and are powerful enough to break up bones. Their digestive track is short since raw meat is simple and quick to digest.

Humanity is usually believing that they have made improvements to nature. Nothing could be further from the reality.

Holistic vets, as a body, can tell the owner that when they feed your cat raw food, the chronic degenerative condition disappears. The diseases include feline leukemia heart issues, sterility, and tumors.

According to Richard Kearns DVM puts it "I believe all cases of spinal myelopathy stem from inadequate nutrition, and sometimes it goes back to the mother's diet during pregnancy".

Richard Pitcairn DVM brings things to a different perspective. "Foods are so complicated, we're not sure how to understand the complexities of them. For instance, research has revealed that cats need taurine, an amino acid only found in the tissues of animals, and is destroyed by cooking. Now it is added to cat foods as well as supplements. Rather than wait for more similar discoveries, it's more beneficial to feed animals the diet that best corresponds to their evolutionary past".

If you take into consideration that cats have been evolving throughout the ages, what can it be possible that they improve their diet in the shortest decades in which commercial cat food was available?

Let's take a look at the salmonella. This is the most common cause of food poisoning by eating the infected food items. Wild cats, however, are only eating the prey they have just killed. So the meat is super fresh and warm, in actual fact. Fresh food doesn't contain any infections. Food that is infected has been stored in poor storage.

This is one reason you will find cats are very fussy eaters. They know the that food is bad when they notice it. Yet, because they have to consume food domestic cats have only one option: eating the cat food that they are provided, if they want to survive.

The main point here is to keep the raw meat of your cat fresh. Do not keep it in the refrigerator longer than between two and four days, dependent on the temperature of the refrigerator, the frequency at which it is opened, the ambient temperature, etc. The rest of the food can be frozen and thawed each meal according to the need.

Toxoplasmosis isn't a very serious disease in healthy people. It can be a major reason for serious illness in those with a damaged immune system or on medication which lessens the efficacy in the body's immune system. This is true for both human and feline.

Wild cats can only survive with a robust immune system. Their diet consisting of raw meat and bones seems to serve them well.

Nino Aloro DVM confirms this to be true. "Diet is at the root of around 90% of the cystitis cases I encounter. When my clients observe the right diet after the initial treatment, there is rarely any of the normal cases of relapses. If they put the pet back on commercial pet food, the cystitis will return."

Buy only the freshest meat and be as sensible about treatment and preservation of the raw meat your cat eats as you are with your own. If you treasured this article so you would like to be given more info relating to generously visit our own internet site. If your cat isn't happy with the food, suspect a problem. It could be due to meat beginning to decay or an acid wash over the animal, a process that some butchers employ to prolong the life of the meat.


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