June 11, 2024

페이지 정보

작성자 Katharina Macha…
댓글 0건 조회 73회 작성일 24-06-21 20:23


368276.jpgI've always bragged that one of the benefits of being a man is the ability to stand up and pee. Hell, we can water a tree, stop ANYWHERE on the side of the road and even write our names in the snow if we want to. Instant relief is no problem. A pecker is a nice thing to have. I've always laughed at the female squatting thing and the half-a-roll of toilet paper it takes them to daub their delicate pussies dry when they finally generate the nerve to squat outside a pristine-clean cubicle with a perfumed stall and a locked door in the first place. Plus, wimmen are always afraid that someone will SEE them pissing. WTF is that all about? Guys don't give a shit about someone seeing them piss. If you maybe look longingly at a guy's wang when you're in one of those watery conga-lines, the gawkee may just turn and piss all over your Reeboks, but that's not a shameful thing, at least not to the gawkee. Wimmen don't do that. They piss sitting down and they like padded toilet seats to rest their fat pretty asses on, too. Bejus! I piss sitting down sometimes. I know a lot of other guys who do, too. That's just fucking sad. Catfish caught me doing it in Athens. He saw me sitting on the john and asked, "Whatta ya doing, Bow-legs? Pissin' or shittin'?" (Can you imagine a woman asking that question? Guys do.) I confessed that I wasn't certain. My body would make its mind up whenever it was ready. I caught Cat on the john the next day, his ass on the commode and his face buried in a USA Today. I loved his reply. I just had a hideous thought. Do not resubmit it.


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